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Start with the conditions – not with the behavior!

Room at Metaplan Forum in Quickborn
Seminarraum im Metaplan Seminarzentrum in Quickborn ©J. Steinhoff

Organizations are complex social systems. Those who want to shape them should ask themselves questions:   What are organizational structures? How do they interact with leadership? What comes into view when we distinguish between appearance, formality and informality? Why is power neither good nor evil? Why are conflicting goals normal? What role do “local rationalities” play? What are discourses and how do you organize them? …   Find answers and new questions in our events!


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Orientation formats

You can use these free online sessions to get an idea of what the Metaplan Academy has to offer. In small groups or in individual sparring, you can find out which content fits your challenges and design concerns.


Here we focus on specific aspects – well-founded, with a view to practice and always in line with your concrete challenges.

Program overview

If you want to lead better organizations, you must first understand them. In principle and in detail. Our programs teach you what it takes to do that.

Network formats

These offers are reserved for the graduates of our programs and serve the exchange among each other and with Metaplan; they offer scientific input and always a look into the Metaplan think tank.


Wir freuen uns auf das gemeinsame Lernen!
In unserem Academy-Programm erhältst du einen Überblick über unsere Programme und Seminare.

Discover our orientation formats

Discover our seminars

Masterclass Innovation & Organisation (one day seminar)
Location: Paris
Language: English
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Is part of the program
Moderation Training
Location: Live-Online
Language: English
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Is part of the program Metaplan Moderation Program
Do you have questions?

You are not sure, which seminar fits to your issue and how to get startet afterwards? You are thinking about booking one of our formats as an inhouse program? Whatever questions you have: we find answers in a conversation! Contact us.

Discover our programs

Executive Program for Organizational Leadership

Executives learn how to apply the two strongest levers to create impact: Organizational structures and Leadership impulses.




36 live & online sessions



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Metaplan Moderation Program

The Metaplan Moderation Programm for those who want to take the lead in discourses: moderation techniques, workshop design and discourse strategy.


In-person, remote


3 seminars + additional sessions


German, English

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Discover our network formats

Discourse scenery
Metaplan Approach
Why work with Metaplan?

Our consultants are on site in Germany, France, China, Singapore, Switzerland, the USA – and wherever you need them.