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Do you want to redefine the courses of action for your organization for the future? We help you design a strategy process that fits the challenges of your organization!

Why Strategy?

Strategy should be the engine for innovation and transformation. But how do you determine strategic directions? And how is strategy related to mission and purpose? And how does it develop binding power for the organization’s members? If you want to move your company forward, it helps to start with a seemingly simple question: Which way is forward?

©A. Kern
©A. Kern

What is Metaplan‘s unique perspective in the context of strategy:

There is more than one path to strategy. We show you how to set up a process that works for you.

Strategy processes often pretend to be linear. We guide you through the inevitable micropolitical negotiation process.

We offer assistance in involving the right actors and bringing them into discourse on the appropriate issues.

Strategy and the structures of your organization interact with each other. We support you in keeping this tension productive.

Strategies change the structures of your organization. We help you to think through the necessary decisions in advance.

Questions that we can help you answer

What are the intentions of the individual stakeholders?

Who should be involved in the work at which stage?

How do you derive strategic action from strategic orientation?

Which strategic approaches are suitable for dealing with which issues?

How do you integrate good experiences and approaches that already exist in the organization?

How do you ensure that the strategy is also implemented?

Discover our seminars

Masterclass Innovation & Organisation (one day seminar)
Location: Paris
Language: English
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Is part of the program

Discover our programs

Executive Program for Organizational Leadership

Executives learn how to apply the two strongest levers to create impact: Organizational structures and Leadership impulses.




36 live & online sessions



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Metaplan Moderation Program

The Metaplan Moderation Programm for those who want to take the lead in discourses: moderation techniques, workshop design and discourse strategy.


In-person, remote


3 seminars + additional sessions


German, English

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Our consultants are on site in Germany, France, China, Singapore, Switzerland, the USA – and wherever you need them.