Business Planning
The strategic directions are fixed, but is the implementation on the market is still open? We show you and your team how to plan without falling into the routine trap of auto-pilot planning!
Why Business Planning?
At the corporate or company level, the goals have been fixed; now it’s time to decide how to proceed at the level of specific products and markets. We show you how to deal productively with the tensions that regularly arise from this transition.
What is Metaplan‘s unique perspective in the context of business planning:
If you don’t leverage experience, you give away potential; if you do what you always do, you fall into the routine trap. We help you navigate safely between both extremes.
Brand planning requires the perspectives of different roles and organizational levels. We help you to bring them in line with each other.
In large companies, there are usually global goals that are necessarily general. We work with you to find out where tensions arise with your specific goals and how you can master them.
For implementation, you need a coherent narrative that provides orientation for everyone. We develop this narrative together with you.
Success or failure proves itself in concrete markets or submarkets. We support you in planning your specific goals and approaches.
Questions that we can help you answer:
Which good business planning experiences exist, and which can be used?
Which central/global targets are particularly important for you?
Which tensions between the global and regional levels need to be addressed?
Where are you challenged to deviate from the routine?
How can regional goals be described as the implementation of global targets?
Which ones would better be left out?
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Business Planning?
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