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Does your company have more opinions than direction? We’ll show you how to ensure a shared orientation for your organization.

Why Alignment?

A new strategy has been announced, but there is disagreement about how to implement it. Changes in one place require changes elsewhere in your organization. Processes are running, but create too much friction. We show you what to do in such cases.

©A. Kern
©A. Kern

What is Metaplan‘s unique perspective in the context of alignment:

We identify the recurring goal conflicts that make alignment difficult.

We get to the bottom of existing conflict goals: what are the good reasons behind them?

We provide understanding: Room for maneuver expands.

We ensure communication: A common path is agreed upon.

This results in commitment to shared goals.

Questions that we can help you answer

What are the concrete disruptive factors that stand in the way of implementing a strategy once it has been adopted?

How do I generate shared commitment to the guidelines?

What rationalities are followed by members in the organization who resist alignment with the strategy?

How can different interests be reconciled with a common goal?

What needs to change for it to make sense to commit to a common path?

Beyond personal appeals, how can the new orientation be secured in everyday actions?

Discover our seminars

Masterclass Innovation & Organisation (one day seminar)
Location: Paris
Language: English
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Is part of the program

Discover our programs

Executive Program for Organizational Leadership

Executives learn how to apply the two strongest levers to create impact: Organizational structures and Leadership impulses.




36 live & online sessions



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Metaplan Moderation Program

The Metaplan Moderation Programm for those who want to take the lead in discourses: moderation techniques, workshop design and discourse strategy.


In-person, remote


3 seminars + additional sessions


German, English

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