Are important topics stalling because cross-unit collaboration is not working well? We support you to create collaboration and cooperation anyway!
Why Collaboration?
The company’s goals are clear, but no progress is being made in implementing them. There are tensions, and decisions are delayed or escalated upwards again and again. We show you how to deal with these stalemates.
What is Metaplan‘s unique perspective in the context of collaboration:
Tensions exist inherently. We help you understand how to overcome the tensions.
We identify and involve the right people in discourses whose alignment and collaboration is needed.
We show you why it is particularly difficult to organize (inter-unit) collaboration (functions, business units, countries).
We analyze and anticipate the decisions that will be necessary to avoid unproductive tensions.
We help you understand the rationalities of each stakeholder.
Questions that we can help you answer
Which local rationalities have formed and which tensions arise from them?
Who should be involved in the discourse?
How can cooperation across silo boundaries be structurally supported and secured?
Which tensions need to be dealt with productively; which need to be ruled out?
Which interaction formats can effectively support (inter-unit) collaboration?
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