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Network Meeting for Executive Program Alumni

“Retention: Anyone who leaves is right!“ 

Who is the program aimed at?

The Network Meeting is open for all Alumni of the Metaplan Executive Leadership Program and interested participants for the upcoming 2024 program cycle.  

If you are a responsible leader, if you want to actively shape the structures and strategies of your organization or department, if you want to provide leadership guidance for your team and create real impact, then the Executive Program offers you the necessary skills, tools and concepts – and a peer forum to plan and reflect on concrete actions. The Network Meeting gives you a glimpse on how we work and who your potential peers would be.  

What will you learn?

Organizations are full of demands. If these demands become excessive or there is no adequate compensation (e.g. socially or financially), employees decide to leave – and that is expensive in several respects. 

The good news: If you know the structural causes of staff turnover, you can counteract them, reduce turnover costs and retain personnel. 

We want to explore this topic further together. 

What do you take away?

How do organizational problems lead to impositions on individual employees? 

What steps can be taken to reduce these impositions? 

How can staff turnover be reduced in the long term? 

©A. Kern
©A. Kern

What makes it special?

  • Meeting your old and new peers from the Executive Program Community.
  • A comprehensive 2h learning nugget from organizational science addressing one of the biggest challenges organizations currently face.
  • A highly interactive online learning environment with a focus on peer discussion.

Preis und Termine

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Network Meeting for Executive Program Alumni?

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Dieses Seminar ist ein Teil eines Programms

Das englischsprachige Executive Program for Organizational Leadership „Shaping Organizational Structures“ besteht aus drei Seminaren. Du kannst mit jedem Seminar einsteigen und die Reihenfolge, in der du die Learning Journeys absolvierst, frei wählen.

Executive Program for Organizational Leadership

Executives learn how to apply the two strongest levers to create impact: Organizational structures and Leadership impulses.




36 live & online sessions



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