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Executive Program for Organizational Leadership


  • Virtual


  • 36 live & online sessions


  • English

The world of work and the ecosystem of organizations are changing radically. On top of running the business, executives are faced with changed and completely new challenges. Those who want to master them must understand their own organization and its dynamics in order to be able to influence them. This requires a profound knowledge of organizational structures – and the ability to anticipate changes and put them into practice. The best way to anticipate these changes is to engage in discourse with peers who are facing similar challenges!


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Who is the program aimed at?

If you are a responsible leader, if you want to actively shape the structures and strategies of your organization/unit/department, if you want to provide leadership guidance for your team and create real impact, then the Executive Program offers you the necessary skills, tools and concepts – and a peer forum to plan and reflect on concrete actions.

What will you learn?

An understanding, based on organizational science, of the key success drivers for current and future challenges: structures that create productive tensions, cultures that promote innovation, leadership that solves critical constellations, strategies that are sustainable and market design that addresses real customer needs.  Concepts that help you better grasp leadership issues, challenges, and options for action. Discourses that translate theory into practice and achieve the buy-in of relevant stakeholder.

What do you take away?

How can organizational structures be analyzed and shaped?

How do you influence cultures – even though you can’t decide about them?

How can leadership effectively complement your work on the structural levers?

How do you secure innovation in processes, structures and products?

How do you develop sustainable strategies?

How do you discover market needs and influence eco-systems?

©A. Kern
©A. Kern

What makes it special?

  • Intensive guidance and practical relevance: We orchestrate deep dives with a maximum of 6 participants – always supervised by a Metaplanner who contributes his/her experience from concrete consulting projects.
  • Concrete application: We work on actual business challenges of the participants with a strong focus on immediate implementation after the seminar, because this always leads to the planning of concrete next steps.
  • Exchange and networking: In the seminars, managers from different organizations, industries, countries and cultural backgrounds discuss and learn together – even beyond the seminar through the established Metaplan (alumni?) network.

The Modules

Learning Journey: Shaping Structures & Cultures
©A. Kern

Analyzing and shaping organizational structures; influencing cultures and mindsets

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Learning Journey: Leading Transformation & Innovation
©A. Kern

Using Leadership and organizational structures to accomplish transformation and innovation

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Learning Journey: Developing Strategies & Markets
©A. Kern

Determining strategic directions and aligning stakeholders; developing market opportunities

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Preis und Termine

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Executive Program for Organizational Leadership?

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