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Network Meeting for Executive Program Alumni

Digitalization is a hot topic, also in your company? In this Learning Session, we will narrow down “digitalization” to four phenomena, claiming that very often the technology is not the problem in digitalization projects. The problem is rather the organization that has to deal with new circumstances. You will learn a new understanding of digitalization based on organizational science with a focus on the micropolitical dynamics in complex change projects.

Who is the program aimed at?

The Network Meeting is open for all Alumni of the Metaplan Executive Leadership Program and interested participants for the upcoming 2023 program cycle.

If you are a responsible leader, if you want to actively shape the structures and strategies of your organization/unit /department, if you want to provide leadership guidance for your team and create real impact, then the Executive Program offers you the necessary skills, tools and concepts – and a peer forum to plan and reflect on concrete actions. The Network meeting gives you a glimpse on how we work and who your potential peers would be.

What do you take away?

What does “digitalization” mean from an organizational perspective?

Why digitalization does not fail because of technology?

How to orchestrate micropolitics for digitalization and other organizational projects?

How to set-up a discourse strategy to move the relevant actors?

©A. Kern
©A. Kern

What makes it special?

  • Meeting your old and new peers from the Executive Program Community.
  • A comprehensive 2h learning nugget from organizational science addressing one of the biggest challenges organizations currently face.
  • A highly interactive online learning environment with a focus on peer discussion.

Prix et calendrier

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Network Meeting for Executive Program Alumni ?

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Ce séminaire fait partie d’un programme

The Executive Program for Organizational Leadership "Shaping Organizational Structures" consists of three seminars. You can start with any seminar and choose the order in which you complete the learning journeys.

Executive Program for Organizational Leadership

Executives learn how to apply the two strongest levers to create impact: Organizational structures and Leadership impulses.




36 séances en ligne



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Developing Strategies & Markets
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