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Learning Journey: Shaping Structures & Cultures

What can the right setting of organizational structures accomplish? What is the consequence of understanding culture as part of these structures? What do you have to pay attention to when changing structures – and how can you anticipate the consequences of such a change? – If you are an executive looking for answers to these questions – then we look forward to learning together with you!

Who is the seminar aimed at?

This is the right seminar for you as a leader, if you are responsible for the design of your organization/department/unit and would like to work on issues of leadership, transformation and organizational design together with other executives.

What will you learn?

A comprehensive approach, based on organizational science to analyze and design organizational structures and to influence the cultural dynamics of your organization. In addition, the necessary concepts and tools for pinpointing the cause of organizational problems and for pulling the right levers in the smart interplay of formal structures and organizational cultures.

This seminar is part of a program. Executive Program for Organizational Leadership

What do you take away?

What are the basic concepts of organizational analysis and design?

What are consequences of the division of labor and what is the untapped potential?

How can you deconstruct your current structures to get to the cause of problems?

How can you orchestrate productive tensions with the right setting of structures?

How can the culture of an organization be influenced in concrete terms?

What discourses among stakeholders are needed to put ideas into practice?

©A. Kern
©A. Kern

What makes it special?

  • Intensive guidance and practical relevance: We orchestrate deep dives with a maximum of 6 participants – always supervised by a Metaplanner who contributes his/her experience from concrete consulting projects.
  • Concrete application: We work on actual business challenges of the participants with a strong focus on immediate implementation after the seminar, because this always leads to the planning of concrete next steps.
  • Exchange and networking: In the seminars, managers from different organizations, industries, countries and cultural backgrounds discuss and learn together – even beyond the seminar through the established Metaplan network.

Prix et calendrier

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Learning Journey: Shaping Structures & Cultures ?

Nos interlocuteurs et interlocutrices

Ce séminaire fait partie d’un programme

Le programme, en langue anglaise, sur le leadership organisationnel, intitulé « Shaping Organizational Structures » et s’adressant aux cadres, se compose de trois séminaires. Tu as la possibilité de choisir librement, aussi bien le séminaire initial que l’ordre selon lequel tu réalises tes parcours d’apprentissage.

Executive Program for Organizational Leadership

Executives learn how to apply the two strongest levers to create impact: Organizational structures and Leadership impulses.




36 séances en ligne



Apprendre plus

Notre équipe de consultants est présente – en Allemagne, en France, en Chine, à Singapour, en Suisse, aux États-Unis d’Amérique – et partout où vous avec besoin d’eux.