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Jonas Spengler

Domaines principaux

  • Cultural and structural change
  • Strategy processes
  • Design Thinking

Langues de travail

  • Allemand
  • Anglais
  • Français
The task is therefore not to see what no one has seen yet, but to think of something new regarding a phenomenon that everyone sees.



Jonas Spengler is a wild mix of sociologist, psychologist and economist. After studying in Maastricht (NL), Berkeley (USA) and Cambridge (UK), he has been consulting at Metaplan since 2019. He is particularly driven by how change happens not only from the top, but from the heart of the organization. That’s why he also conducts research on intra-organizational activists at Cambridge University.

Personal interests

As a researcher, Jonas is fascinated by people who do extraordinary things under extreme conditions – be it NGOs in refugee camps, entertainers on Mallorca, or activists in the tech industry. He firmly believes that we can learn a lot from ‘extreme athletes’ within an organization. When he is not busy thinking, he loves to play (beach) volleyball, sing or juggle diabolo.