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Dr. Wiebke Gronemeyer

Domaines principaux

  • Technology companies
  • Life Science Industry
  • Healthcare
  • Public Sector

Langues de travail

  • Allemand
  • Anglais
  • Espagnol
There are moments in life when the question of whether one can think differently than one thinks, and also perceive differently than one perceives, is indispensable for looking further and thinking further.

Michel Foucault


Dr. Wiebke Gronemeyer (1983) studied philosophy and cultural studies. Before joining Metaplan, she held various positions at the interface between art and business in family businesses, corporations, museums and academia. The negotiation of complex processes of understanding and participation between stakeholders, each with a strong vested interest, runs through her entire professional career. Since 2018, she has been advising clients on organizational and strategic issues, market development and cultivation in the life sciences, pharmaceutical, technology and public sectors.

Personal interests

Bringing together different voices and opinions also keeps Wiebke busy in her private life, for example in the work of her daughters’ parent-led kindergarten association. From time to time, however, she likes to set the tone herself in the orchestra with the oboe.