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Thore Lingel

Thore Lingel

Domaines principaux

  • Financial Services
  • Industrial and energy companies
  • IT and telecommunications industry

Langues de travail

  • Allemand
  • Anglais
In a change effort, culture comes last, not first.

John P. Kotter


Thore Lingel (born 1973) studied business administration and journalism in Hamburg. A MetaPlanner since 2020, he works as a senior change consultant at Farner Consulting, Metaplan’s partner company in Switzerland. Prior to that, he had already spent 20 years advising national and international companies in all areas of internal and external communications – most recently as a member of the management board and partner at the communications and brand consultancy Wirz Brand Relations. Today, his focus is on strategy communication and the communicative support of change projects. In addition to various further training courses in the areas of change and organizational development, Thore has completed studies at the Zurich University of Teacher Education in order to be able to pass on his business knowledge to young professionals as part of their education.

Personal Interests

Thore grew up in the Hamburg area and even today he is regularly drawn back to the Hanseatic city and the North Sea. Since 2008 he lives with his wife and their two children near Zurich.