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Dr. Judith Muster

Dr. Judith Muster

Domaines principaux

  • Metal industry
  • Media
  • Automotive industry
  • Logistics
  • Service Companies
  • IT companies

Langues de travail

  • Allemand
  • Anglais


Judith Muster (born 1979) is a sociologist and has worked at Metaplan since 2011, today as a partner. She advises on reorganizations, strategy development and project management. Her industry focus is on logistics companies, automakers, and service and media companies. She also researches, teaches and publishes at the University of Potsdam on post-bureaucratic organizational models such as Holacracy, data-driven decision-making, and leadership and innovation.

Personal interests

Organizing systems are also Judith’s hobbyhorse outside of Metaplan and thus the subject of close observation and discourses, whether on assemblages in social media, protest organizations, subcultures – or even in one’s own family system. She spends her remaining time playing the clarinet or reading.