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Antonia Nooke

Domaines principaux

  • Organisational systems
  • New work and agility
  • Cultural change
  • Strategy
  • Leadership
  • Media
  • Technology

Langues de travail

  • Allemand
  • Anglais
The world we have created today as a result of our thinking thus far has problems which cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created them.

Albert Einstein


Antonia Nooke studied European Ethnology and Social Sciences at Humboldt University and Media Studies at the Film University “Konrad Wolf”. Her career path led her via positions in communications and marketing to management consultancy, where Antonia’s focus was on cultural change, New Work and post-bureaucratic organisational models. At Axel Springer, she was then responsible for the organisational development of the German media market as part of a dual leadership team with a focus on agile collaboration. She also supported managers as a certified systemic coach.

Antonia has been with Metaplan since 2023 and advises organizations and managers on strategy and change processes.

Personal Interests

In her free time, Antonia likes to keep moving – whether it’s yoga or Crossfit. In summer, she practises flying on a wingfoil board on Brandenburg’s lakes. In winter, she hides away at the cinema or cooking at home with a good glass of white wine. And just in case she wants someone else to do the cooking, Antonia also enjoys exploring Berlin’s diverse restaurant scene.