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Celine Geckil

Aree di interesse

  • Digitization in the public sector
  • Logistics and transportation industry
  • Strategy development
  • Leadership & corporate culture
  • Reorganization
  • New Work& Agility

Working languages

  • Inglese
  • Tedesco
“As long as the structure is informal, the rules of how decisions are made are known only to a few and awareness of power is limited to those who know the rules.

Jo Freeman


Celine Geckil studied sociology and philosophy at the University of Potsdam. She worked there for several years as a research assistant at the Chair of Organizational and Administrative Sociology. At Metaplan Gesellschaft für Verwaltungsinnovation, she devoted herself to research on public administrations – with a particular focus on post-bureaucratic and agile working methods as well as digitalization at federal and state level. As a consultant, she supports public sector organizations and companies in innovation projects, strategy development and restructuring.

Personal Interests

In her free time, Celine can be found on the running tracks of Berlin or behind her drum kit.